How Ageing Affects Hair Growth and Hair Loss?

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How Ageing Affects Hair Growth and Hair Loss?

How aging affects your hair: Color, texture, what you can do?

Do you know that with age your hair quality changes? Aging is one of the most common causes of hair fall and hair thinning. As you get older, hair cycles—telogen, the shedding phase becomes longer, and anagen, the growth phase becomes shorter. Your hair volume, texture and finish everything changes with time. It is normal to lose 50–100 hairs each day. Your body sheds old hair continually and from the follicles new hair grows. As you age, some follicles stop producing new hair leading to a reduction in hair density and thinner hair. As your hair continues to thin it can even lead to baldness.

If you’re looking for hair loss treatment due to ageing Avatarluxe can be your ideal destination. We provide effective and world-class hair restoration services. Whether you’re dealing with thinning hair, baldness or hair fall we offer a wide range of treatments to resolve your hair-related issues. We offer a wide range of skin and hair-related treatments such as laser hair reduction treatment in Bangalore, beard hair transplants, synthetic hair transplant and hydrafacial treatment and non-surgical treatments. Book your consultation now with our board-certified doctor for the right treatment and advice.

Why Choose Avatarluxe For Age-Related Hair Loss Issues?

Avatarluxehair transplant clinic in Bangalore, specializes in offering cutting-edge hair loss treatments that can help you restore your hair. We analyze your hair health and try to find out the reason for your hair loss before recommending any treatment. Our board-certified healthcare professionals have years of experience in the industry and have treated thousands of patients. Using recent technology and tools, we provide various hair loss treatments for both women and men. We are known for our pursuit of excellence in all the treatments we provide. Our staff is very empathetic and compassionate towards all the patients. We are dedicated to enhancing your beauty with our advanced procedures and treatments such as laser hair removal treatment in Bangalore, hair transplant, botox and fillers, micro peels, synthetic hair transplant, and other treatments.

Causes of Age-Related Hair Loss

Most age-related hair loss occurs because of two main reasons. Androgenetic alopecia is the most common reason. It is also called female or male pattern hair loss. With age, some hair follicles get smaller in size making the hair strands appear finer. In adverse cases, some hair follicles stop producing hair completely. This type of hair loss mostly results from age-related hormone changes. It gradually occurs, in different patterns specific to women and men. In men, it has been seen that the front hairline recedes, or there is thinning at the crown or temple on top of the head. In women, hair starts receding from most of the scalp, or a few areas like the temples, middle part, and the frontal scalp area.

Another common age-related hair loss concern is telogen effluvium. This is a condition in which thinning occurs suddenly due to physical or emotional stress. It can also happen after you’ve had a urinary tract infection, high fever, or surgery. Hair shedding can also occur if you’re taking a new medication or have an underlying medical condition. Menopause is also one of the main causes of hair fall in elderly women. When this happens, the production of progesterone and estrogen lowers down in your body. These hormones promote the growth of hair. When fewer of these hormones are produced, there is less hair. 

The doctor will prescribe the treatment depending on the hair loss’s main cause. In most cases, Telogen effluvium gets corrected on its own or once you get the appropriate treatment for the underlying cause. It takes three to six months for those with Telogen effluvium to see significant results. Those suffering from androgenetic alopecia are prescribed treatment that can enhance their hair follicles so that the hair becomes dense and strands become thicker.

Age-Related Hair Loss Treatments

We bring to you a list of the best treatments to address age-related hair loss. The hair loss treatment cost varies based on the severity of hair loss, the experience of the doctor, and your overall health.

Platelet-rich plasma injections

PRP is a revolutionary procedure wherein high concentrations of your blood’s own components are injected into your scalp. The main purpose of this treatment is to stimulate your hair growth. For optimal results, you need to undergo six to eight sessions of PRP. The effectiveness of PRP for age-related hair loss varies depending on the density of your hair, the severity of hair loss, the experience of the doctor, and overall health. You may have to undergo follow-up treatments every year for the best results.

Synthetic Hair Transplant

A synthetic hair transplant is the best option for those who are not an ideal candidate for a natural hair transplant. This treatment can be beneficial for those who’re dealing with late stages of female pattern and male pattern baldness, scarring alopecia, and hair graft over-harvesting victims. Synthetic hair implant is also known as a fiber hair transplant and it works differently than a natural hair transplant. The best thing is that synthetic fibers are available in different shapes, lengths, colors, and hair densities. If you decide to go for this treatment a test patch will be observed for four weeks to see if there are any reactions on your scalp and to ensure the synthetic fibers do not fall out. 

Hair Transplant

Hair transplant is one of the best options for those who want to deal with age-related hair loss. There are two types of hair transplant techniques follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT). Not everyone is an ideal candidate for hair transplant since in this procedure hair is taken from a thicker section and it is then transplanted to a thinning area. If you have medical conditions like alopecia, are dealing with hair loss from chemotherapy, or have widespread baldness or thinning you may not be an ideal candidate for a hair transplant.

Changes You Can Expect in Your Hair With Age

Let’s take a look at the changes you can see in your hair as you grow older.

Reduced Hair Density

With age, your hair density may decrease leading to thin and lustreless hair. This happens because hair follicles may lose the ability to produce new hair. As hair thinning continues over time it may even lead to baldness. In people of African descent, the average head hair density is less than that of Asian descent and white people. However, you can prevent hair loss with a balanced diet, various hair restoration procedures, and intake of supplements. You can also prevent your hair from losing its density by taking adequate care and applying the right products.

Reduced Hair Diameter

With age, the diameter of individual hair reduces in diameter leading to a reduction in tensile hair length. Due to this the hair loses its strength and becomes prone to breakage. The rate at which the diameter of hair decreases varies among both men and women. With age, there is a decrease in the number of hair follicles in the growth phase because of which your mane becomes less dense. Individual hair strands also shrink in diameter leading to the appearance of thinner hair. In some cases, habits like smoking, stress, menopause, and chemical treatment may make hair thinning more noticeable.

Weathered Hair

Another side effect of aging is weathered hair. When your hair becomes weathered it loses its shine and becomes weak. Your hair loses its elasticity and looks unhealthy. This occurs because as you age your body produces less nutrients. If you notice your hair getting weathered, it’s best to consult a healthcare professional right away. If you have reached your forties you should ensure you take a good amount of iron and calcium-rich food to ensure your hair remains healthy and lustrous.


With aging your body goes through many changes. Your hair also changes texture and color over time. The hair follicles produce less pigment as you age. This makes your hair turn gray. Your hair’s thickness may also change over time. As a young adult, the thick hair that you have becomes thin and fine. Menopause is also one of the common causes of hair fall in elderly women. Sudden hair loss can also be an indication of an underlying medical condition such as alopecia areata. This is when your hair follicles are attacked by your immune system. Avatarluxe – best plastic surgery clinic in bangalore, is your go-to destination for age-related hair loss concerns. We use the most advanced techniques to restore your hair and enhance your beauty. From hair transplant to PRP and synthetic hair transplant we offer a wide range of hair restoration treatments. You can also visit us for laser hair removal treatment in Bangalore. You should immediately contact us if you’re a woman with a receding hairline or have suddenly started experiencing patchy hair loss. We will recommend the best treatment based on your individual condition helping you get back your confidence and boost your hair growth.


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